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Project Ideas

Wondering what you can create with recycled plastic lumber...?

Other ideas

  • Bed liners

  • Scale Railroad ties​

  • Window wells

  • ​Benches

  • Windwall

  • Landscaping

I just wanted to share with you some photos of the Oswald Park Community Garden where we built, in 2021, all of our garden beds with your recycled plastic lumber, as well as our rat-proof compost bins. When we were planning the garden (which is in a park), a key factor based on public feedback was to ensure the beds would stay intact and not become 'ramshackle' over time, and not require costly replacement. Plastic lumber was the perfect solution to this, and I am very pleased that we made this choice.  Now I have passerbys ask me all the time what we used. Originally we thought the cost might be too high, but at the time of purchase lumber prices were so high it was about equivalent, so the economics worked out well. And now we have the benefit of probably never having to replace them again. It's satisfying to know that by buying this product we are creating a market for recycled plastics. And not cutting down forests. My husband was so impressed with the end product that we subsequently used them in our own yard as well.

Thank you for continuing to make this useful and environmentally-friendly product!



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